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Creatures of Ilmington Information

Geoff and Ollie.jpeg

We would love to use your images in the 2025 Ilmington Community Shop Calendar! The theme is Creatures of Ilmington and this refers to any kind of animal or bird, wildlife or beloved pet (Modelling for us here is Geoff Davies with his new companion, Ollie, a springer with a lot of spring in his step).


We don’t mind when you captured the photograph, but it must be your own and it should have been taken in Ilmington, ideally in a recognisable village or local countryside context. Although we need your entries by the end of September, we will be seeking to reflect all seasons of the year. So think snowy robins, squirrels gambolling in autumn leaves, lazy cats on summer lawns…


Please submit your pictures with a title, location, your name and, if appropriate, the name of your pet, to Images should be in colour and can be portrait or landscape. Digital files should be at least 1.5MB or higher. They will be displayed in a dedicated online gallery and by submitting you are agreeing to possible publication.


The deadline is 12 noon on Monday 30th September.


Good luck and thank you!

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The small print: Entries will be publicly viewed, downloaded and shared without charge. When you submit your entry it is assumed that either you are the copyright holder or have the permission of the copyright holder for it to be freely downloaded and shared. Credit will be given to the copyright holder

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